Our location in the heart of the High Peaks Region of the Adirondack Mountains is a breathtakingly beautiful part of God's creation. Here, one can easily appreciate the wonder, the serenity and the majesty of God. In God and in nature, everything belongs. The same is true at St. Agnes!

From time to time, parishioners ask for a copy of my homily. Below you will find the text of some of my most recent words of reflection. - Fr. John


Holy Family


Presentation of the Lord

FJ Low Res Homilies.jpg
Celebrant: Rev. John Yonkovig
Today, Rev. John Yonkovig shares some thoughts on the ongoing crisis, followed by a song "Restless" from the Parish Music Ministry Team.

Do Not Be Afraid— Go to Galilee

This Holy Week, Rev. John Yonkovig shares a reflection on Psalm 23, followed by a sung rendition of Psalm 23 by the Parish Music Ministry Team.