Program Information

2024-2025 Registration Information

 St. Agnes’ Faith Formation for Grades 2 through 9


 Grades 2 through 5 meet twice a month on a Friday after school.

 IMPORTANT NOTE:                                                                             

“First Reconciliation” and “First Holy Communion” (2nd Grade): There are 4 workshops that will be held on a Saturday evening before 5:30 pm Mass. Workshops are a requirement for preparing for these 2 sacraments. Parent/guardian and child are to attend all 4 workshops.

The registration fee for the religious program: $20 for students in grades 2 – 5. The registration fee for the religious program is students in grades 6-8 is $25 and $30 for 9th grade Confirmation students. The fee helps to cover the cost of books and supplies. If this amount poses a problem, please just let me know. When paying by check please make check payable to St. Agnes Church.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call Mrs. Marcia Bugbee at

(518) 523-2200 ext. 357 or email at

Thank you for your trust in us to provide your children with teaching them the information that they will remember through life. May our children come to KNOW, LOVE and LIVE their FAITH!

God Bless you and may He keep you and yours close to His heart.

Mrs. Marcia Bugbee

2024-2025 Schedule for Grades 1 through 5

Oct. 4 and 18

Nov. 8 and 15

Dec. 6 and 13

Jan. 10 and 17

Feb. 7 and 14

Mar. 7 and 14

Apr. 4

May 2


WORKSHOPS: (Students preparing for these two sacraments are asked to attend workshops. Workshops are held from 4:30 pm to 5:20 pm).

October 19 – “BELONGING”

December 7 – “GOD’S WORD”

February 1 – “RECONCILIATON”

April 5 – “EUCHARIST”


Practice – May 3 (10:00 AM)

First Holy Communion Mass – May 4 (10:00 AM MASS)

2024-2025 Schedule for Grades 6 through Grade 9

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: The following schedule may be adjusted due to the Youth Rally. All grade levels (6-9) are expected to attend the Youth Rally, date TBD. The grade 9 Confirmation Retreat will be the Alpha Youth Day Away Retreat.

Sept. 29 (Outing - Mountain Climb with Mass: we will depart from the St. Agnes Parking lot at 11:00 am and will arrive back at St. Agnes’ Parking lot at 2:00 pm)

October 6

October 20

October 27

November 3

November 10

November 17

November 24

BREAK: December, January, and February

March 23 and 30

April 6

May 4